iProtect 10 Years Insurance Plan

Product Type : Life Insurance

Insurer : BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited

[First Year Premium Discount Offer]

From now on (limited offer), you may enjoy the first year premium discount offer (“the Offer”) upon successful enrolment in “iProtect 10 Years Insurance Plan” (“the Plan”) underwritten by BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited (“BOC Life”) through BOCHK mobile banking app. Details are as follows:

Applicable plan First year premium discount rate Promo Code

iProtect 10 Years Insurance Plan

(Non-refundable premium plan)

50% iPmo2

iProtect 10 Years Insurance Plan

(Refundable premium plan)


Enter the above Promo Code now to apply for the Plan, and you may enjoy up to 50% first year premium discount offer!

The Offer is subject to terms and conditions. For details of the Plan and the Offer, please refer to product brochure and policy provisions of the Plan, and the promotion flyer of the Offer. 


iProtect 10 Years Insurance Plan (the “Plan”) is for BOCHK mobile banking account holder for application in Hong Kong only. The policy applicant must be aged between 18 to 60 years old and hold a valid Hong Kong Identity Card, People’s of Republic of China Resident Identity Card/Passport or Macau Resident Identity Card, subject to the relevant requirements on nationality and residency of the applicants and the Insured as determined by BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited (“BOC Life”) from time to time.

  • Combination of protection plans at your choice
    Based on your personal protection need, you can choose life protection solely or include critical illness coverage
    Critical illness coverage covers Cancer/ Stroke/ Heart Attack
  • Premium refund option 1
  • If you apply for a policy with Sum Insured of HKD500,000 or below, you may opt for refundable premium plan which allows you to take back 100% of the total premiums paid at policy maturity.

    At the end of the below Policy Year Premium refund percentage
    6 60%
    7 70%
    8 80%
    9 90%
    10 100%
  • Guaranteed premium unchanged for 10 years
  • Instant application via mobile app
    One-stop self-service online application and claim experience

Note:  Please refer to the product leaflet for the details of the Plan (including the coverage, key risks, major exclusions, etc.).

Before application, please read and understand the related Product Information, Policy Terms and all other relevant document and information carefully.

Product Video

Basic eligibility requirements

Life Protection + Critical Illness (Cancer + Stroke + Heart Attack)

  Non-refundable premium plan Refundable premium plan
Issue age

Age 18 to 60

Age 18 to 50
Benefit term 

To age 80 of the Insured

(The premium is guaranteed unchanged for every 10 years) 

10 years

(The premium is guaranteed unchanged for 10 years)

Premium payment period
Waiting period 90 days
Policy currency HKD
Premium payment mode Monthly / Annual
Sum Insured options







#Only applicable for Issue Age 18 to 50



The aggregate Sum Insured amount of each Insured under all policies of this Plan and AlongPro Critical Illness Plan shall not exceed HKD2,500,000
Death Benefit 100% of Sum Insured at claim+
Major Illness Benefit 100% of Sum Insured at claim+ and is payable once only
Minor Illness Benefit 20% of Initial Sum Insured+ and is payable once only
Once paid, the Sum Insured and premium payable will be reduced accordingly Once paid, the Sum Insured will be reduced accordingly while the premium and premium refund amount will remain unchanged
Payment method Direct Payment from BOCHK e-Banking Account

Covered illnesses of critical illness protection^ at a glance:

Major illnesses
  1. Cancer
  2. Heart Attack
  3. Stroke
Minor illnesses
  1. Minor Interventions for Coronary Artery Disease
  2. Carcinoma-in-situ (Breast, Cervix Uteri, Colon or rectum, Fallopian Tube, Liver, Lung, Nasopharynx, Pancreas, Penis, Stomach or oesophagus, Testes, Urinary Tract, Uterus, Vagina)
  3. Early Stage Cancer (Ovary, Prostate, Thyroid)

^ For details of the definitions of the Major Illnesses and Minor Illnesses, please refer to the policy provisions.

Life Protection only

  Non-refundable premium plan Refundable premium plan
Issue age

Age 18 to 60

Benefit term 

To age 80 of the Insured

(The premium is guaranteed unchanged for every 10 years) 

10 years

(The premium is guaranteed unchanged for 10 years)

Premium payment period
Waiting period Not applicable
Policy currency HKD
Premium payment mode Monthly / Annual
Sum Insured options







#Only applicable for Issue Age 18 to 50



The aggregate Sum Insured amount of each Insured under all policies of this Plan and AlongPro Critical Illness Plan shall not exceed HKD2,500,000
Death Benefit 100% of Sum Insured at claim+
Payment method Direct Payment from BOCHK e-Banking Account

+ Death Benefit, Major Illness Benefit and Minor Illness Benefit have to deduct Indebtedness (if any) and outstanding premiums (if any).

Sample premium table

iProtect 10 Years Insurance Plan


Hong Kong resident

Sum Insured: HKD500,000

Premium payment mode: Annual

1.      Female applicant

                Annual premium amount (HKD)
Non-refundable premium plan     Refundable premium plan  
Issue Age Life Protection + Critical Illness (Cancer + Stroke + Heart Attack)
25 823 7,187
35 1,988 13,729
45 3,418 22,281
55 5,336 Not applicable
Issue Age Life Protection only
25 293 1,726
35 397 2,502
45 832 5,223
55 2,302 12,162

2.      Male applicant

                Annual premium amount (HKD)
Non-refundable premium plan     Refundable premium plan
Issue Age Life Protection + Critical Illness (Cancer + Stroke + Heart Attack)
25 602 4,403
35 1,155 9,489
45 2,810 22,311
55 7,275 Not applicable
Issue Age Life Protection only
25 324 2,399
35 490 4,058
45 1,369 8,347
55 3,046 21,595

Note: The figures in the above sample premium tables are rounded up to the nearest whole number.


  1. Even if you have claimed Minor Illness Benefit, you can still surrender the policy from the end of the 6th Policy Year to receive premium refund if premium refund option is chosen; while the policy will be terminated upon payment of Major Illness Benefit or Death Benefit.

The Policy Owner is subject to the credit risk of BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited (“BOC Life”). If the Policy Owner discontinues and / or surrenders the insurance plan in the early policy years, the amount of the benefit he / she will get back may be considerably less than the amount of the premium he / she has paid.

(Applicable to non-refundable premium plan only) The premium payable at the time of renewal is calculated based on the following factors (if applicable), including but not limited to the Sum Insured, gender, issue age, attained age, smoking habit, premium payment term, level of benefits, underwriting class, risk class and residency, and is not guaranteed. BOC Life reserves the right to review and adjust the premium payable at the time of renewal. Factors leading to such adjustment include but not limited to emergence of difference between actual experience and current expectation.

Application Method

Login BOCHK Mobile Banking

Important Notes:

  • The Plan is a life / critical illness insurance plan that is underwritten by BOC Life. It is not a bank deposit scheme or bank savings plan. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (“BOCHK”) is the major insurance agency appointed by BOC Life.
  • BOC Life is authorised and regulated by Insurance Authority to carry on long term business in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong”).
  • BOCHK is granted an insurance agency licence under the Insurance Ordinance (Cap. 41 of the Laws of Hong Kong) by Insurance Authority in Hong Kong. (insurance agency licence no. FA2855)
  • BOC Life reserves the right to decide at its sole discretion to accept or decline any application for the Plan according to the information provided by the proposed Insured and the applicant at the time of application.
  • The Plan is subject to the formal policy documents and provisions issued by BOC Life. Detailed terms and conditions are subject to the official policy document issued by BOC Life. Please refer to the relevant policy documents and provisions for details of the insured items and coverage, premium adjustment, termination conditions, inflation risk, provisions and exclusions.
  • BOCHK is the appointed insurance agency of BOC Life for distribution of life insurance products. The life insurance product is a product of BOC Life but not BOCHK.
  • In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between BOCHK and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, BOCHK is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however any dispute over the contractual terms of the insurance product should be resolved between directly BOC Life and the customer.
  • BOC Life reserves the right to amend, suspend or terminate the Plan at any time and to amend the relevant terms and conditions. In case of dispute(s), the decision of BOC Life shall be final.
  • Customers are responsible for the data charges imposed by their service providers for using BOCHK Mobile App or Mobile Banking.

Important Notice:

You have an option to purchase the Plan as a standalone plan base on your personal need to choose life protection solely or include additional critical illness coverage instead of bundling with other type(s) of insurance product.

The product information does not contain the full terms of the policy and the full terms can be found in the policy documents.

This promotion material is for reference on the key product features of this Plan and is intended to be distributed in Hong Kong only. You are advised to read in conjunction with the product leaflet of this Plan. Please refer to the product leaflet, policy documents and provisions issued by BOC Life for details (including but not limited to insured items and coverage, detailed terms, key risks, conditions, exclusions, important notes, policy costs and fees) of the Plan.