Stocks screener

Construct your investment strategy
with over 30 indicators to
spot the targets in the stock sea
Stocks screener

Construct your investment strategy
with over 30 indicators to
spot the targets in the stock sea
Reference Strategy
  • Filter the target stocks easily with the 5 default Reference Strategies.
Self Strategy
  • Make use of over 30 indicators to set up Self Strategy and help you to do your preparation for formulating your investment strategy easily.
Add self strategy easy steps:
Select "Investment" > "More", click "Stocks Screener"
  • Reminder: To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!
After selecting the stock market, press the five reference strategies to view the screening results. You may also press " Add Self Strategy" to start setting your own strategy.
Select the target scope based on your needs, for example, you may select "Stock" and use Industry/Indices/Board to narrow down the scope or you may select all. Press "Next" after finished.
Name your strategy and then press " Add indicators" to enter setting page.
Select a maximum of 3 indicators from over 30 fundamental/technical analysis indicators. Press "Done" after selection.
Set the filtering criteria of each indicator, input the value in the "Min" or/and "Max" fields, then press "Submit".
After setup, you may tap the strategy to view the results.