BOC Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect 2.0
New wealth management method helps you invest
in the Greater Bay Area ("GBA") unimpededly

Customers of “BOC Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect”
can enjoy exclusive Wealth Management services

All branches of BOCHK offer comprehensive and high quality financial services to you wholeheartedly!

The Northbound Scheme refers to an eligible Hong Kong investor opening a bank account with cross-boundary remittance function ("dedicated remittance account") in Hong Kong, opening an account on the Mainland in eligible banks on the Mainland with investment function ("dedicated investment account"), remitting funds through the dedicated remittance account in Hong Kong to the dedicated investment account on the Mainland via closed-loop management of funds flow between the accounts, and purchasing eligible wealth management products offered by the bank on the Mainland.
Eligible wealth management products in the Mainland under the Northbound Scheme
Eligible wealth management products in the Mainland under the Northbound Scheme
  • Wealth Management Products
    Public fixed income wealth management products and equity wealth management products issued by Mainland wealth management firms which are assessed by the issuers and Mainland distributing banks as products with risk rating of "R1" to "R3" (excluding wealth management products for the purpose of cash management)
  • Funds
    Public securities investment funds with risk rating "R1" to "R4" (excluding commodity futures funds)
  • Deposits
    CNY deposits
"Aggregate Quota": The cumulative net remittance to the Mainland through the Northbound Scheme should not exceed the aggregate quota of CNY 150 billion at any time.
"Northbound Scheme Individual Investor Quota": The individual investor quota for each investor is CNY 3 million. If the investor simultaneously selects both a bank and a securities firm for investment under Northbound Scheme, the individual investor quota allocated between the bank and the securities firm will be CNY 1.5 million each.
"WMC Daily Remittance Limit": Only applies to WMC beneficiary account, the daily remittance limit is CNY 3 million. Subject to our bank’s Individual Investor Quota and the aggregate quota of the Northbound Scheme.
Three simple steps to open Northbound Scheme dedicated accounts
Three simple steps to open Northbound Scheme dedicated accounts
  • Dedicated Remittance Account Opening
    1. Dedicated Remittance Account Opening
    Visit any branch of BOCHK for qualification verification and open a “Northbound Scheme” dedicated remittance account
  • Dedicated Investment Account Opening
    2. Dedicated Investment Account Opening
    Visit the Bank of China (“BOC”) in the GBA to open a “Northbound Scheme” investment account in person. If you already have an account with BOC in the GBA, you can designate your existing account as the “Northbound Scheme” investment account through the mobile banking of BOC
  • Account Pairing
    3. Account Pairing
    Complete pairing the dedicated remittance account and investment account**Note: The final result is subject to the SMS notification from BOC in the GBA
The above products and services are subject to relevant terms and conditions.
Online Appointment for
BOC Cross-boundary Wealth Management
Connect 2.0 Account Opening

Contact Us

For inquiries about products or services of Bank of China in the Mainland, please contact Bank of China Customer Service Hotline: +86 10 95566;
 or Visit the Website: Bank of China (Mainland) website.
For more details on “BOC Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect”, contact us by
Mobile Banking
Mobile Banking
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Dedicated hotline for "BOC Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect"
Dedicated hotline for "BOC Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect"
+852 2278 3368
for Hong Kong customers
+86 400 800 2388
for Mainland customers
WeChat Official Account
WeChat Official Account
Get to know more about the market trend and cross-border service information through our WeChat Official Account by searching and following “BOCHK_Banking”
#Remarks: All registered and established in Hong Kong and have obtained recognition from the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong
The above information is prepared by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (BOCHK) based on the latest information provided by the regulatory authorities and is for reference only. The relevant content does not constitute any offer, solicitation, suggestion, opinion or any guarantee for any individual to buy or sell, be invited to subscribe or transact any particular products or services; nor does it constitute BOCHK’s active marketing of “Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect” to the public outside Hong Kong. Investment products offered by BOC in the Mainland in the GBA have not been authorized by the SFC. Investment involves risks.
The above information is prepared by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (BOCHK) based on the latest information provided by the regulatory authorities and is for reference only. The relevant content does not constitute any offer, solicitation, suggestion, opinion or any guarantee for any individual to buy or sell, be invited to subscribe or transact any particular products or services; nor does it constitute BOCHK’s active marketing of “Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect” to the public outside Hong Kong. Investment products offered by BOC in the Mainland in the GBA have not been authorized by the SFC. Investment involves risks.
The following Risk Disclosure Statement may not disclose all the risks involved. You should undertake your own research and study before you trade or invest. You should carefully consider whether trading or investment is suitable in light of your own financial position and investment objectives.
Risk Disclosure Statement of Fund
The above information is for reference only. This webpage does not constitute any offer, solicitation, recommendation, comment or any guarantee to the purchase or sale of any investment products or services. The investment products or services mentioned in this webpage are not equivalent to, nor should it be treated as a substitute for, time deposit. Although investment may bring profit opportunities, each investment product or service involves potential risks. Due to dynamic changes in the market, the price movement and volatility of investment products may not be the same as expected by you. Your fund may increase or reduce due to the purchase or sale of investment products. The value of investment funds may go up as well as down and the investment funds may become valueless. Therefore, you may not receive any return from investment funds. Part of your investment may not be able to liquidate immediately under certain market situation. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in these products unless the intermediary who sells them to you has explained to you that these products are suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. Before making any investment decisions, you should consider your own financial situation, investment objectives and experiences, risk acceptance and ability to understand the nature and risks of the relevant product. Investment involves risks. Please refer to the relevant fund offering documents for further details including risk factors. If you have any inquiries on this Risk Disclosure Statement or the nature and risks involved in trading or funds etc, you should seek advice from independent financial adviser.

Risk Disclosure Statement of Bond
Investing in bonds involves significant risks. The following risk disclosure statements are not exhaustive and do not take into account your personal circumstances not disclosed to Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, You should take your own independent review and seek independent professional advice, if necessary, on whether an investment in bonds is suitable for you in light of your risk appetite, financial situation, investment experience, investment objectives and investment horizon. The above information is for reference only. This document does not constitute any offer, solicitation, recommendation, comment or any guarantee to the purchase or sale of any investment products or services. The investment products or services mentioned in this document are not equivalent to, nor should it be treated as a substitute for, time deposit. Although investment may bring profit opportunities, each investment product or service involves potential risks. Due to dynamic changes in the market, the price movement and volatility of investment products may not be the same as expected by customers. Customers’ fund may increase or reduce due to the purchase or sale of investment products. The loss incurred from investment maybe the same or greater than initial investment amount, proceeds may also change accordingly. Part of the investment may not be able to liquidate immediately under certain market situation. Do not invest in it unless you fully understand and are willing to assume the risks associated with it. If you are in any doubt about the risks involved in the product, you may clarify with the intermediary or seek independent professional advice. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in these products unless the intermediary who sells them to you has explained to you that these products are suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. Before making any investment decisions, customers should consider their own financial situation, investment objectives and experiences, risk acceptance and ability to understand the nature and risks of the relevant product. For the nature and risk disclosures of individual investment products, customers should read carefully the relevant offering documents for details. Customers should seek advice from independent financial adviser.

Risk of bonds trading
The prices of bonds fluctuate, sometimes dramatically. The price of a bond may move up or down, and may become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying and selling bonds
This document is issued by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited. The contents of this document have not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong.

Risk of Foreign Currency Trading
Foreign currency investments are subject to exchange rate fluctuations which may provide both opportunities and risks. The fluctuation in the exchange rate of foreign currency may result in losses in the event that customer converts the foreign currency into Hong Kong dollar or other foreign currencies. Currency exchange is also subject to cost (being the spread between the buy and sell of relevant currencies).

RMB Conversion Limitation Risk
RMB investments are subject to exchange rate fluctuations which may provide both opportunities and risks. The fluctuation in the exchange rate of RMB may result in losses in the event that the customer converts RMB into HKD or other foreign currencies. Currency exchange is also subject to cost (being the spread between the buy and sell of RMB). RMB is currently not fully freely convertible. Individual customers can be offered CNH rate to conduct conversion of RMB through bank accounts and may occasionally not be able to do so fully or immediately, for which it is subject to the RMB position of the banks and their commercial decisions at that moment. Customers should consider and understand the possible impact on their liquidity of RMB funds in advance.
Make an Appointment for Account Opening